Items below are to be purchased from school. Send payment in an envelope marked with your child’s name, grade and amount. Payment is due the first week of school.
1 Kindermat $18.00
1 plastic take home folder $ 2.75
Total $20.75
Below items are required and may be purchased anywhere you wish.
1 Elmers washable school glue (7.625 fl. Oz)
1 can shaving cream
1 Crayola Washable watercolors (8colors)
4 Rolls of Paper Towels
2 Containers of Baby Wipes
3 Lysol Wipes
3 Boxes Tissues
1 Box of Gallon Ziploc baggies
1 Box Sandwich Ziploc Bags
1 Bottle Hand Sanitizer
1 12-pack of 8 oz. waters
Backpack large enough to hold folder and lunchbox
1 small rest blanket that fits in small bag
1 Changes of clothes in case of an accident in a Ziploc bag with child’s name on the bag. (Shirt, pants, underwear and socks)
1 1-inch white Binder