We are registering for 2025-2026?
Grades 1-8 - Viking for a Day - Student Visit for your child to experience all we offer academically, spiritually, and socially with a fun school day spent with their peers.
Contact us here with questions or to schedule a tour or call 609-625-1565.
Grades 1 - 8 Core Curriculum Includes:
Language Arts
Social Studies
Grades 1 - 8 Co-curriculum includes weekly classes in:
Physical Education
Grades 5-8 Advanced Math Program
Students who excel in mathematics, and have achieved a score of 75% or better on standardized tests, may be considered for Advanced Math. Other factors considered are teacher recommendation, self-motivation and attendance record.
Advanced math students are expected to work independently, to be prepared at all times, to memorize formulas, and to work to the best of their abilities. Our small class size allows for peer/teacher interaction on a one-on-one basis.
Grade 8 - Introduction To Personal Finance
Introduction to Personal Finance explores financial topics relevant to the teen years; high school, higher education tuition costs, automobile costs, insurance, personal, and family budgeting.